Welcome to THE BUNDLE 💫 SHOP
🔑 PRE-PACKAGED. We've done all the work so you don't have to!
🔑 HAND-SELECTED. We've heard you! Your most pressing needs, met, in these curated collections of classes & exercises.
🔑 CUSTOM MIXED. Get the information you need + the daily exercises that keep the change going.

Unleash Your Creative Genius Bundle
What is holding you back from creating what only you can create in the world?
💫 Creating in My Sleep (Energy Pull Exercise)
💫 Clearing No Receiving (Clearing Loop)
💫 Total Trust in You Challenge (Self-Guided 30 Day Exercise)
💫 Do it Wrong, Do it Badly, Do it Anyway (Call Series)
Sold Separately: $224. Now: $197

Unlock Your Financial Flow Power Pack
What if money is easier than you have ever thought was possible?
💫 Obscene Amounts of Money Bundle (3 Energy Exercises)
💫 A Steady Flow of Money (Energy Pull w/ Binaural Beats)
💫 21 days of money flowing like air! (21-day Facebook Live Series)
Sold Separately: $334. Now: $297

Business Rocket Fuel Turbo Trio
Are you ready to give your business a boost? 🚀
💫 A 28-Day Practice of Developing Your 500K Business (Call Series)
💫 BUSINESS: Generating Blistering Success - Clearing the Big 5 (Clearing Loop)
💫 Communicating With Your Business (Energy Exercise)
Sold Separately: $304. Now: $247

Trust Your Body Super Set
What is possible with your body beyond what you have chosen so far?
💫 Body: Pain & Intensity - Clearing the Big 5 (Clearing Loop)
💫 14 Days of Learning to Talk With & Trust Your Body (Call Series)
💫 Starting the Day Rocked & Unblocked (Energy Pull w/ Binaural Beats)
Sold Separately: $211
Now: $167

Brave Biz Confidence Mega Mix
Are you ready to get more confident in business and life?
💫SOS Energy Exercise Bundle (for getting out of the hard times with business)
💫 BUSINESS: Hiding, Shrinking, Unwilling to be Seen - Clearing the Big 5 (Clearing Loop)
💫 The Trusting You Blueprint (Quick Money Class)
Sold Separately: $325. Now: $247

The Relationship Threesome
What else is possible in your relationships?
💫 Relationships: Showing Up As You - Clearing the Big 5 (Clearing Loop)
💫 14 Days of Receiving (Call Series)
💫 Clearing Survival & The Things That Don't Allow You to Thrive (Clearing Call Recording)
Sold Separately: $176. Now: $167
✨Shop More Bundles

Energy Pull Bundle (w/ Binaural Beats)
Mix & Match to do one of these daily for total relaxation & change.
💫 90-Day Energy Pull
💫 Booster Energy Pull
💫 Starting Your Day Rocked & Unblocked
💫 Creating While You Sleep
💫 A Steady Flow of Money Energy Pull
💫 Bougie AF Bank Accounts Energy PUll
Sold Separately: $342. Now: $297

Clearing Reactive Realities Bundle
Three 60-minute clearing call, three clearing loops & three clearing PDFs around the presumptive realities and need of reactive realities with your significant other, family & your mom. 💀
💫 Clearing Reactive Realities with Significant Other
💫 Clearing Reactive Realities with Family
💫 Clearing Reactive Realities with Mom
Sold Separately: $450. Now: $369

S.O.S. Energy Exercises Bundle
For the hard times, the crunchy times, for the 'you' that can't seem to get out of your own way.
💫 Being Proud Of You
💫 Moving Beyond Transactional Realities
💫 Cultivating Allowance For Yourself
💫 Releasing Definitions & Engaging With The Elementals
💫 How Supported Are You?
💫 Receiving The Gift Of Your Failures
Sold Separately: $300. Now: $247

Welcome to your 14 days (15 with the bonus!) of doing the ‘real work’ as a creator. Showing up, getting present and allowing yourself to experience, cultivate and choose energy, space and consciousness and all the innate advantages! When you engage, things grow.
💫 Being Proud Of You
💫 Moving Beyond Transactional Realities
💫 Cultivating Allowance For Yourself
💫 Releasing Definitions & Engaging With The Elementals
💫 How Supported Are You?
💫 Receiving The Gift Of Your Failures
💫 Claiming You
💫 Relaxation
💫 Practicing Presence
💫 Communicating With Your Business
💫 Choosing to Receive What You Avoid
💫 Obscene Amounts of Money
💫 Creating & Having Money As Space
💫 Bringing The Future Into Now
💫 Creation Exercise
Sold Separately: $750. Now: $497

You created an act that you didn’t care about money because you didn’t have everything you wanted.
How many of you bought your points of view about money from idiots (primarily your parents)? How many of you created an act of how you are about money, and it’s not true, but you bought it as true?
💫 Clearing Always Creating Just Enough Part 1
💫 Clearing Always Creating Just Enough Part 2
💫 Clearing What You Think You Have To Do To Make Money
💫 Clearing No Receiving
💫 Clearing Fear & Worry About Money
Sold Separately: $285. Now: $249

You know that something else is possible in your life and living...where do you begin to create it?
What if clarity is a process of unfolding and choosing and then choosing again?
💫 Clearing for Clarity Clearing Loop
💫 Free & Clear Energy Pull
💫 15 Min Clarity Facilitation Session