Ep 196: Where Does Fulfillment Come From? šŸ¤”

For a long time, I was convinced it came from having money.

Iā€™d never had any, and even after I started creating some, I always used it to create what was next. Six years ago, I started really practicing ā€˜havingā€™ and my sense of money really changed. It funded us having 2 full years of exploring ourselves and other countries. It changed, forever, my sense of lack or need - they disappeared.

But although I thought I would be, I wasnā€™t what I would call ā€˜fulfilledā€™.

My business really grew and for a while I was really elated. Top of the world. But I wasnā€™t what you would call fulfilled.

My discovery of fulfillment is ongoing.

Here are some of my latest learnings:

ā€” it doesnā€™t come from money, although money makes life easier

ā€” I have more of a sense of it when I am continually choosing the space of me

ā€” I feel most successful when I learn a new relationship skill and it really works

ā€” people changing in front of me is one of the most rewarding effects I can have

The thing is we donā€™t look to change something - unless we want more of something.

And in truth, what can be wildly fulfilling in one moment, can, in the next, stop contributing that sensation altogether.

Maybe there is no ā€˜thereā€™. šŸ¤“

What if fulfillment was the ongoing choice of what is deeply rewarding to you? And discovering what that is, all that time?

If I can contribute to finding what it is for you, jump into my MiniMentor sessions!

LIFE: https://www.christeljoycrawford.com/offers/qFqGvHFN

BUSINESS: https://www.christeljoycrawford.com/offers/xUsVLD8m



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