All Episodes
236: Why Making More Money Could Be Ruining Your Life with Jacob Pegs
In this powerful episode of The Christel Crawford Show, I get to speak with my business coach and founder of Modern Maker, Jacob Pegs, who reveals the untold truth about the cost of his success and the secrets to his...
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235: How to Change Your Life & Business in 2025
TO CHECK OUT THE SPRINT: christeljoycrawford.com/sprint. In this episode, I reflect on my significant changes in 2024 and explore the process of transforming my life and business in 2025. I emphasize the importance of...
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Ep 234: 10 things you can do right now to grow your business!
Growing a business is the most non-linear experiment on the planet!
Where are you in the process? 😁
-- just starting -- right in the messy middle -- on an upswing -- on a de-escalation -- building towards a bigger...
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Ep 233: Are hidden structures keeping your classes small? Let's grow our classes!
I'm studying class-growth.
Infinite-being-style class growth.
Energetic class growth. 😁
(Find out more here: christeljoycrawford.com/letsgrow)
I was tapped out for awhile so with me tapping back in, I'm devouring,...
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Ep 232: Finding me in the destructuring. A vulnerable share.
Have you ever dove head first into a tool and discovered how much of YOU you haven't been? 👀
I have really been exploring the tool of destructuring...everything. My body, my money, my relationships, my...
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Ep 231: What is destructuring? How can you use it?
Every hard thing in your life is a structure. Every ease is you.
In this episode we:
✨unpack destructuring,✨look at where we might be doing structure unconsciously ✨start to make space for the ease to show up.
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Ep 230: One foot in. One foot out. Afraid of committing - to you?
Who or what would you destructure if you went all-in on you? 😱
Raise your hand if you've been using some energy for structure. :::raises hand:::
Instead of flowing energy into you, have you been maintaining ways of...
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Ep 229: Why do I need to be the best? This key will change self-worth forever.
Are you running an internal race you can't explain? 😩
To be the best? To get there?
To get it all right? To be perfect?
To not let anyone get ahead of you? To never be wrong?
But deep down - you feel less than? Not...
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Ep: 228 Awareness & judgment: Learning energy & how to use it for you.
Have you always wanted to change the world? 🤗
Me too.
My mom bought that religion would get us there, and so we did that.
Judgment soup.
I absorbed and excelled.
My mom was harsh. But also gentle. When she was gentle...
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Ep 227: Getting unlocked. The key to getting out of the no-choice universe!
Structures are brutal.
(Also, check out the new class: https://www.christeljoycrawford.com/offers/4JMzwLWC/checkout)
A quick story 👇
I hurt my knee over the weekend.
It was ouchy AF.
But I - was different.
I cried...
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Ep 226: Seeking for more. The key to a happy life.😀
We talk about questions A LOT in Access Consciousness.
But why?
Because when you live as the question your whole world is always full of possibilities, and when you take action on those and create from them, you get...
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Ep 225: Getting it right is a trap. Can you actually make a mistake?
Did I make a mistake? 🙈
You have a new choice in every 10 seconds.
Which means there's no such thing as a mistake.
To have a mistake you have to have a past and a judgment about it. You have to ruminate on it and feel...
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