$175.00 USD

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47 Days of Moving Past Doubt

How much do you use doubt to slow you down, to stop you, to completely thwart your ambitions? Your dreams?

What if you chose something different?

In this series, you'll receive: 

  • all the video recordings
  • all the audio recordings
  • clearing loops
  • energetic exercises

What People Are Saying:

Thank you for being so vulnerable! This stuff is working. Along with opportunities the likes of which I never could have expected, there is also a level of discomfort that I know is just the universe showing me that the old comfort zone just can't work anymore.


It's been an interesting ride so far. Opportunities are showing up that I wouldn't have dreamed possible. And.....it is pretty uncomfortable some of the time. I think the back doors are closing.


It's already worth every penny. So much space, so much peace.
