You're invited to daily online energy pull exercise class
to radically transform everything about your life.

These classes are for you if

You are aware there's greater possibilities available!

What’s beyond asking for a car, and a house, nice clothes, sex and money?

You want to use your energetic powers.

What is actually possible when we step out of self-interest and into creating a greater world?

You are demanding Phenonemance!

What if we can choose to have a life of ongoing phenomenance, not just an extraordinary life?

Phenomenance is the ability to create a different possibility and create something beyond normal by other peopleā€™s standards.

A love note from Christel.

I spent most of my life being totally unaware that I had energetic capacities.  Access Consciousness was the first place I even heard the conversation.  So, when I heard Gary Douglas say: "How do you create your business?  Pull energy for 90 days!" 
I did.  And holy shit.  More money than ever.  Business eplosion.  And a presence with me & the world that I'd never had before. 

So, it's time to do it again, and I'd like to invite you.

Day 1 of the Money Pulls from Month 2.


You just have to ask, and be willing to receive.

"Pull energy for 90 days and watch your life change."

~ Gary Douglas

90 Days

$650 USD

90 Audio recordings

90 Video recordings

New Reality


What's different about energy pulls with Christel?

Check out a few pulls here!

What people say changed the most for them, doing the pulls!

"More awareness, more courage in my choices, more trust in the universe that it has my back."

Jennifer Alexander
Class Participant

"I just naturally have more ease in life and the ability to expand and just BE. Instead of automatically going into stress, I can easily choose to be an observer and be aware of what is happening without a need to fight or to be emotionally involved. I have more choice."

Cynthia Makris
Class Participant

""My willingness to ask and receive. My awareness that I can pull energy anytime/anywhere. The ease with which I do those things.""

Heather Lapp
Class Participant

"My presence with me, receiving, what expanding can change in your world, making choices."

Eva Mosshammer
Class Participant

""Knowing when I am not receiving from everything; knowing how to receive from every molecule; allowing everything to contribute.""

Kim Coleman
Class Participant

""The ease I am allowing into my life. The asking for what I desire. The energies of what I desire, and the allowing and inviting of the asking." "

Laurie Larson
Class Participant

all the details

YOU WILL RECEIVE: live morning energy pulls | video recordings  | audio recordings


50% Complete

Two Step

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