The biggest thing you're unwilling to receive is how incredibly great you really are.
If, every week, you could receive you AND pull energy, would your life change?
a weekly Aural Energetics® live piano session
"Can you tell me about how you went from a regular job to a totally different life?"
~ Class Participant
✨ what's included in the lab ✨
A Weekly LIVE Piano Pull
Join Christel & her piano live each week and start asking for what you'd really like to have. The Universe can only deliver when you ask; set aside 20 minutes a week to melt, ask and receive.
A Hi-Def Audio & Video
Use each week's audio to create a daily sacred time for yourself. A different life is created in the daily choices. Grab your best headphones and let that week's piano pull change the space you create from, daily.
A Monthly Creation Masterclass
Join Christel on Zoom for a monthly thematic masterclass filled with tools, conversations and clearings. Call themes selected from your questions. A time where you can ask questions LIVE and get the facilitation you need.
How many calls per month? and when?
What if I can't make it live?
What if I want to cancel my membership?
weekly live piano pulls
✨ Aural Energetics® + Access Consciousness = a one-of-a-kind energy pull & receiving exercise
weekly live piano pulls + monthly masterclass
✨ Aural Energetics® + Access Consciousness = a one-of-a-kind energy pull & receiving exercise
✨ a live Zoom call with Christel on different monthly themes