The biggest thing you're unwilling to receive is how incredibly great you really are.


If, every week, you could receive you AND pull energy, would your life change?


welcome to the

welcome to the

a weekly Aural Energetics® live piano session


I stumbled on the power of Aural Energetics® accidentally, when I first started really using this tool of pulling energy. I sat down at my piano and started facilitating from and as the energy, including the pull, and a whole different kind of life-changing moment was born.

Getting the sense of what I want my life to be has been THE way I've been able to let the universe guide me forward. 

And Gary Douglas is so clear: if you will pull energy for 90 days, your whole life will change. But what if we never stopped? 

Every week in The Lab we are going to gather at the piano, and combine this incredible power of 'getting the energy' and inviting the universe to contribute with Aural Energetics® and conversations that open us to the raw, vulnerable beauty of us.

What would it be like to add a weekly live piano session with Christel to your life? To have it in your headphones every morning, fresh and new, contributing to the change you're already asking for? 

What if you could open to receiving everything you are? What if you could ask energetically for everything you want to have?

What if instead of generating a hard, struggling energy, you could shift your power to a daily creation of what would be beauty, for you?

I'm here for all of it. See you in The Lab. 💋


And, here's the thing. One day, after taking over 100 advanced Access classes, I sat in my chair and it hit me that every conversation we were having in these fine salons was always around one or more of the very first tools we were ever given. 

A light bulb went on. I got it. I didn't need another class. I needed to  m a s t e r  the tools. I made a personal commitment in that moment to study and live them, and it has changed my whole life. I've watched as person after person has  been transformed by my grasp on the 'basics'.

So, this weekly salon is for you. For your life.  The weekly study I'll lead us through will change you. As you make the tools your breath and the way you function in the world, instead of just something you're using, ease, joy and glory will become more of a possibility for you.

You change the world with what you're willing to change in yours. So, what can we create together?  What magic?  What difference?  And how can that change your life and the world? ✨


"Can you tell me about how you went from a regular job to a totally different life?"

~ Class Participant


✨ what's included in the lab ✨

A Weekly LIVE Piano Pull

Join Christel & her piano live each week and start asking for what you'd really like to have.  The Universe can only deliver when you ask; set aside 20 minutes a week to melt, ask and receive.

A Hi-Def Audio & Video

Use each week's audio to create a daily sacred time for yourself. A different life is created in the daily choices. Grab your best headphones and let that week's piano pull change the space you create from, daily.  

A Monthly Creation Masterclass

Join Christel on Zoom for a monthly thematic masterclass filled with tools, conversations and clearings. Call themes selected from your questions. A time where you can ask questions LIVE and get the facilitation you need.


weekly live piano pulls

✨ Aural Energetics® + Access Consciousness  =  a one-of-a-kind energy pull & receiving exercise

EPL Monthly

$37.00 USD every month
EPL One-Time

$407.00 - 12 month subscription

weekly live piano pulls + monthly masterclass

✨ Aural Energetics® + Access Consciousness  =  a one-of-a-kind energy pull & receiving exercise 
✨ a live Zoom call with Christel on different monthly themes

EPL + Masterclass Monthly

$97.00 USD every month
EPL + Masterclass One-Time

$1,067.00 - 12 month subscription
** February topic to be announced

Our grande experiment begins on

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