Free yourself from the stress of things not changing.

Whether it's getting out of the constant worry or expanding your capacity to receive, there's a way forward with your financial reality – and we're going to tackle it together!

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Free yourself from the stress of things not changing.

Whether it's getting out of the constant worry or expanding your capacity to receive, there's a way forward with your financial reality – and we're going to tackle it together!

Get Started Now

Welcome to the Clearing with Christel® shop where change is fast.

🔑 EASY AUDIOS. Expose the areas where you've felt the most stuck to the gentle persistence of audio change.
🔑  DAILY STIMULATION AND CHANGE. Using the deep & rich energy pull, daily stimulate new energies, allowing the universe to work on your behalf.
🔑  INSTANT RELIEF. Move beyond stuckness & into what else is possible.
🔑  NO-EFFORT CLEARING. Clear out unconsciousness around specific areas that you haven't been able to change on your own.
🔑  WHILE YOU SLEEP. Allow the audios to run while you're sleeping for easy, ongoing change.

the shop

🛍️ *The BIG 5

Clearing the five elements that keep you stuck and looping.

MONEY: Lack & money problems - Clearing the Big 5

What if lack & survival are choices you have, not something you're fated to be?

$57.00 USD

BODY: Pain & Intensity - Clearing the Big 5

What is possible with your body beyond what you have chosen so far?

$57.00 USD

BODY: Weight Loss - Clearing the Big 5

If you weren't judging your body shape & size what could you create together?

$57.00 USD

The Big 5 Clarity Night

What are the Big 5?😎 

$80.00 USD

BUSINESS: Generating Blistering Success - Clearing the Big 5

Are you willing to be a blistering success in business?

$57.00 USD

BUSINESS: Hiding, Shrinking, Unwilling to be Seen - Clearing the Big 5

What would change in your business if you were willing to be seen?

$57.00 USD

RELATIONSHIPS: Showing Up As You - Clearing the Big 5

What would change in your relationship if you were willing to be you?

$57.00 USD

Clearing the Big 5 - ALL-IN BUNDLE!

What would it take to create your reality with total ease?

$377.00 USD


Clearing the biggest, stickiest energies keeping your money reality limited.

When 'just enough' is enough.

What have you made so vital, valuable and real about hoarding your poverty that keeps you in your preferred choice of ‘just enough”? 

$57.00 USD

When 'just enough' is enough, for real.

If you’re 'not being here' how much money can you make? A lot, a little, or not much? Just enough to get by.   

$57.00 USD

Your reality actually is an energetic, conscious reality of magic.

 What have you made so vital about causal incarceration and incarnation that creates what you cannot change about money and reality? 

$57.00 USD

Money is a manifestation of what you're willing to receive.

It’s only what you have refused to receive, that keeps you from having everything you would like to have in life. 

$57.00 USD

Are you worried about not having enough?

The most important thing about all of this information about money is you need to not think about it, you need to be aware. 

$57.00 USD

You created an act that you didn’t care about money because you didn’t have everything you wanted.

How many of you bought your points of view about money from idiots (primarily your parents)? How many of you created an act of how you are about money, and it’s not true, but you bought it as true?

$249.00 USD

Loving yourself

Clearing the two things keeping you from being you in the world.

Clearing The Need for Validation

A lot of people just want to be seen. They want somebody to see them. But regardless of how much attention you get, if you don’t have the willingness to acknowledge you, no attention will ever be enough.

$57.00 USD

Clearing Not Being A Valuable Product

Nobody is going to love you for who you are because you don't love you for who you are. You don't make you the valuable product in your life.

$57.00 USD

Presumption & reaction

Clearing the two things that create difficulty with the most important people in your life.

Clearing the Need of Reactive Realities with your Significant Other

How many needs of reactive realities do you have to create the success or failure of your relationship?

$57.00 USD

Clearing the Need of Reactive Realities with your Family

How many presumptive and need of reactive realities do you use to turn yourself into someone else  with your family?

$57.00 USD

Clearing the Need of Reactive Realities with your Mom

How much are you using your mom's choices to activate your need of reactive realities?

$57.00 USD


What if the pain & fog & frustration of being unclear - was in the past?

Clearing for Clarity

What brave, vivid, bold, clear life can you create with more clarity?

$57.00 USD

The Clarity Bundle

What else is possible with creating your life with ease and clarity?

$277.00 USD

the clearing statement


What are those weird words that I use and why do I use them?

If you are new to the Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement you can learn more in this video!