This path requires us to trust ourselves.


"Art: The human act of doing something that might not work, something generous, something that will make a difference. The emotional act of doing personal, self-directed work to make a change that we can be proud of." ~ Seth Godin

We are leaders.

But we don't think we are.

Inside, we feel small, ineffective, insecure, weak, pale and uninteresting.

Outwardly, we see almost no proof to the contrary. We spend most of our moments berating ourselves for the creative work we don't do.

I have always wanted to change the world.

I don't know when it started.

Stories of unlikely (distinctly American) heroes filled my childhood. Harriett Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, Louis Pasteur, George Washington, Ben Franklin....

The stories stirred me.

In my twenties, I got inspired by taking the love of God "to the nations". I wanted to show the world the power of the love I had found. I wanted to effect change. Make a difference.

In my 30's, I lost my way and hit bottom.

But at 37, the universe brought in Access Consciousness. That deep desire to see a fundamental change in the world awoke again.

I had always known that I was "meant" for... more.

Seth Godin talks about how followers don't search - they follow.

But leaders search. They want things to be better. They want to find a firm footing. They want the chance to make a difference. To be seen.

I am a reluctant leader.

Reluctant because I don't want you to think that I think I know what I'm doing. But a leader because I will go there just the same.

Are you a follower? Or are you a leader?

Leaders produce creative work that shapes and influences and changes things. They are catalytic by their gentle willingness to ship their work out into the world.

Your work - your art - is important because it's different. It's unique because you are unique. It is a must because if you do not share it, you die as the follower you are not.

Leaders go by many titles.

Coaches, facilitators, content creators, creatives, healers, mystics. The titles are attempts to categorize for differing purposes.

But what's important is to recognize who you are. And what is necessary and essential - for you.

If you do not share your work with the world, will you suffer?

And without your work in our world - will we?

This creative path requires us to trust ourselves.

It's a journey with no external boss and mostly internal rewards.

We get to choose what we will be


> Read about my recent life-choices here.

> Read about being an artist (when you don't think you are one) here.


Connect with me at [email protected] to find out if my new 1-A-Day: A 30 day Set Up for Emerging Coaches is for you.


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